Dormant Pruning Service in Elm Grove, Brookfield, Chenequa, WI & Surrounding Cities
Our dormant pruning service is performed by a certified arborist.
If you want to ensure your plants stay healthy, then you should sign up for our dormant pruning service. This service is offered during the winter season because that's when your plants are better equipped to endure the process and it gives them time to recover before they start growing again in the spring. This service is performed by a certified arborist who has the knowledge and experience needed to prune your plants without causing any damage to them. What's more, if we notice anything wrong with your plants while performing this service, such as an insect infestation or disease infection, we can let you know so that we can come up with a plan to deal with these issues.
We offer our dormant pruning service to property owners in Elm Grove, Brookfield, Chenequa, and nearby areas in Wisconsin. Give us a call at (262) 786-0050 to schedule this service today!
When is our dormant pruning service offered?
At Kanavas Landscape Management, we want to make sure that we perform our services at the right times of the year to yield the best results possible. That's why our dormant pruning service is offered during the winter season. During this season, your plants will be dormant, meaning they won't be actively growing and will be better equipped to endure the stress of being pruned. Additionally, by performing this service during the winter, your plants will have plenty of time to recover from the pruning process and will be ready to start growing again in the spring.
We Have a Certified Arborist on Staff Who Will Perform Our Dormant Pruning Service

While pruning your plants can benefit them greatly, it needs to be done correctly, or else it could actually cause harm to them. Luckily, when you partner with us, you can rest easy knowing that our dormant pruning service will be performed by a certified arborist! Our arborists have gone through extensive training and possess the skills and knowledge necessary to properly prune your plants without causing any damage to them. By hiring us to prune your plants, you can feel confident knowing that the job will get done right and your plants will be in good hands.
During our dormant pruning service, we'll keep an eye out for any health issues your plants may be dealing with.
We take pride in providing top-notch services that deliver exceptional results. So, if we notice any issues with your plants while performing our dormant pruning service, like signs of a plant disease or insect infestation, we will bring them to your attention. Then, a treatment plan will be created to help restore your plants to full health. We offer highly effective treatments that can eliminate both insects and diseases from your plants, so you can rest easy knowing that your plants will receive the care they need to continue thriving.
Call us today to schedule our dormant pruning service!
Do you want to improve the health and appearance of your plants? If so, then our dormant pruning service is just what you need! At Kanavas Landscape Management, we offer this service to property owners in Elm Grove, Brookfield, Chenequa, and surrounding cities in Wisconsin. Call us today at (262) 786-0050 to schedule our dormant pruning service!